Dear International Visitors

This is the homepage for Mikael Sonne, who is also owner and director of Aarhus Gestalt Institute and Center for IGP (Integrative Gestalt Practice).

This is not a translation of all the information that is given on this website in Danish. On this page you will only find a limited introduction to some of my work.

You are welcome to contact me for further information:
Tel: 0045 3030 6099


The Aarhus Research Group in Gestalt was established in 2009 in a cooporation between late Professor Todd Burley, Loma Linda  University in California and Gestalt Associates Los Angeles (GATLA). Professor Jan Tønnesvang, Aarhus University, Denmark. Psychologist Mikael Sonne, Aarhus Gestalt Institute, Denmark. Since then Psychologist James Hammink, The Growth Center, Nr. Snede, Denmark and Psychiatrist Aleksandr Eremeev, president of the Gestalt Therapy Development  Society in Kyrgistan and regional trainer for the Moscow Institute for Gestalt therapy have become members of the group.

The book: Sonne, M. & Tønnesvang, J.: "Integrative Gestalt Practise - Transforming our ways of working with people"  published by Karnac Books, September 2015.

Who am I?

I was born in 1951. I have been working as a private practice psychologist and gestalt therapist in Aarhus, Denmark, since 1978. Since 1983 owner and director of Aarhus Gestalt Institute, DK.

The Institute is the only Gestalt Institute in Denmark which is accredited by the Danish Psychological Association to give credit to psychologist’s psychotherapeutic specialization.
Organizational consulting and leadership development within a gestalt framework has, for the last 30 years, been one of my main interests. A particular focus has been facilitating leader training programs regarding personal aspects of leadership.
In recent years, I have, in cooperation with my colleagues, Jan Tønnesvang and James Hammink, developed and worked with a model for Integrative Gestalt Practice. The focus is on using Gestalt as a framework for integrating findings from other schools of psychology and psychotherapy, and at the same time pursuing the underlying integrative potentials of Gestalt theory and practice. The term "Practice" refers to the practicing of Gestalt in a broader field than just therapy. Our book on Integrative Gestalt Practice has been published by Karnac Books in 2015.
Our article "Gestalt Therapy and Cognitive Therapy - Contrasts or Complementarities" has been published in "Psychotherapy" by The American Psychological Association, Dec. 2010. see abstract here

Mikael Sonne, February 2023

To read more about IGP and the Book "Integrative Gestalt Practice - transforming our ways of working with people", go to 

See more and order the book at the publishing company, Karnac Books

Karnac Books: Integrative Gestalt Practice (IGP) is a new approach to understanding and working with complexity and wholeness in people’s lives. Amongst the many published books on the market today focusing on the need for specialization and manualization, this book introduces an alternative approach to working professionally with people. By combining basic principles from the gestalt-approach with basic elements of integral theory introduced by Ken Wilber, IGP develops a frontline framework for integrating different forms of theoretical and practical knowledge of human life-processes. This, for instance, can sustain the integration of various psychotherapeutic approaches, and – on a more general level – raise a more common capacity for perspective taking and meaningful disagreements between people.

see Gestalt News and Notes here